Message From Chairman

It is said that he who has nobody has God for him. But God’s blessing comes through human being. Hence, there has to be human through which God will manifest His service to His needy creatures. Therefore, we human being must shoulder the loads of weak and beaten in the society. This way, we discharge our obligation towards God in rendering service to the human being in need.

We begun our journey on 11th Sept 2005 with sole objective of giving leaning shoulder to the unlucky and unfortunate left ones in the society irrespective of one’s religious background across tribes and caste.

Since its inception, the society has helped numerous helpless ones in the society especially mentally, physically challenged including drug addicts, terminally sick and injure, social and comestic violence victims, child and human trafficking victims, old aged, socially isolated and homeless highest successful rehabilitation result with very less mortality or relapses in such long years in Arunachal Pradesh.

The society conducts various medical camps for different types of disabilities with various medical experts in the fields both in-house and outside our campus.

With sincere dedication to serve the left out people in the society, the Deepak Nabam Living Home has been rendering services to the helpless people without being funded since its inception in 2005 running in the thatch houses.

The society was born out of own experiences as socially isolated and neglected in the society. Hence, the urge and intent to serve the people in the brims of falling edges in the society is the strength, driving force and motive of this organization.

As a testament to our relentless services, the government of Arunachal Pradesh has accorded us to give humanity servives under section 52 of the PWD Act,1995 and we have been officially declared a “Half Way Home” of people with mental disabilities in 2020. This officially recognizing our services will enourmously help us render services to the most unlucky and unfortunate among us.


Yours Sincerely
Deepak Nabam

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Shri Deepak Nabam
Chairman, Deepak Nabam Living Home

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